Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Uses and Benifits of Mobile Website Development

Today in this twenty first century we need everything swift, instant and prompt. Communication medium has advanced very rapidly in these years. Earlier we used to access the web only through fixed line services. Now the scenario has changed completely with advancement in the field of communication. Mobile being the most popular invention and device of the communication technology, its vast use by people all around the world has made it necessary to make sure that websites can be accessed by mobile users. Hence mobile website development has gained much needed importance and popularity.

Mobile web was commercially first offered in Finland in 1996 on the Nokia 9000 communicator through the Radiolinja and Sonera networks. The first commercial launch of a mobile Docomo specific browser based web service was way back in Japan in 1999 launched by NTT. Web access has become much easier and simpler as web can be accessed from anywhere and everywhere through your mobile device. The presentation form and appearance of the web in your mobile is definitely different from the one in your personal computer. Thus to solve this problem and to make websites visible from your mobile phones more user friendly mobile website development plays a key role in this field.

It is the mobile website development only that is making it possible for the developer to create custom made mobile websites to reach out to their customers. Websites are developed in such a manner so that your clients and customers needs are satisfied and they are able to access the information and queries as per their requirement through their mobile devices. The main criteria should be to keep things simpler and using less of graphics and images. With the growing number of users of mobile devices one has to make sure that the websites can be accessed in a hassle free manner by the potential customers using mobile phones for accessing websites.

If you are a developer then the first job to be done by you is to check the World Wide Web Consortium specifications for CSS and mobile devices. It has to made sure that the information on your website are easy to read and navigable. The main objective should be to make the websites designs such that they are mobile-friendly. Screen sizes and resolutions vary from devices to devices therefore it would be best to scale page elements not by setting fixed widths for the pixels but rather by screen size. So creating mobile friendly websites for users is the prime goal today.

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